
OMP Engages in Flores De Maria 2023 Celebration and Children’s Mass Initiatives


In another series of meaningful activities, the Order of Malta Philippines actively participated in the Flores De Maria celebration on May 20, 2023. To prepare the children for the mass, a short catechism lesson was conducted, delving into discussions on the Sacrament of the Eucharist, Holy Communion, and the components of the Holy Mass.



The mass, presided over by Rev. Fr. Baltazar Obico, OFM, Rector of the Shrine of St. Anthony of Padua in Bustillos, Sampaloc, Manila, saw the involvement of beneficiaries from the F2N and W4P projects, with members attending both physically and online.



In a continued effort to familiarize children with proper conduct during Mass, the decision was made to hold Children’s Masses and short prayer sessions in the chapel of the OMP. Moreover, spurred by the interest of some children, the promotion of vocations as altar servers was also considered, underscoring the Order’s commitment to holistic spiritual development.



Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta

1120 R. Hidalgo Street, Manila, Philippines Tel. +287080860 |