
The Blessed Gerard Circle’s Devotion Shines in the Second Quarter


In the heart of the second quarter, the Blessed Gerard Circle continued its dedicated devotion every Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. This spiritual gathering involved the reverent recitation of the four mysteries of the Rosary, coupled with heartfelt prayers dedicated to the Sovereign Order of Malta, its esteemed members, and the noble endeavors undertaken for charity. The participants, coming together for this two-hour session, also included special intentions and prayer requests, creating a rich tapestry of communal spirituality.



During the Lenten Season, the circle’s devotion took on additional layers of significance. The Stations of the Cross were seamlessly incorporated, followed by the recitation of the Holy Rosary, with a profound focus on the Sorrowful Mysteries. Members actively engaged in leading prayers and responding during these weekly gatherings, fostering a sense of shared spiritual responsibility.

Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta

1120 R. Hidalgo Street, Manila, Philippines Tel. +287080860 |