Our Path to Sanctity is through our Service to the Poor
The Order of Malta Philippines held its monthly spiritual formation last October 10, 2019 at the residence of Ambassador Mercedes Tuason. This was hosted by Amb. Leonida L. Vera. The Order’s Conventual Chaplain ad honorem, Rev. Fr. Genaro Diwa, led the members in reflecting on the original tenets of the Order of Malta.
In his short talk, Fr. Diwa pondered on the ancient motto of the Order of Malta, “fratres ad servitium pauperum venientes,” — brothers, who came for the service of the poor.
Fr. Diwa shared his reflection on the motto by emphasizing that service to the poor is not just an act of penance for the members but the central vocation itself of the Order.
“As members of the Order of Malta, serving the poor is our specific path to holiness.”
Fr. Diwa even shared that the defense of the Catholic faith, which the Order of Malta has been known for, should now be interpreted as a battle to care for marginalized people and fight for their rights and dignity. Quoting St. John Paul II in his message to the Order, the knights and dames of Malta now carry the “banner of love.”
In addition, by accepting this motto of serving the poor, Fr. Diwa said it will now be easy to see the Lord in the poor.
“In the poor, we will now see Christ. For it is not just the poor whom we are serving but Christ himself because serving the poor is our way towards sanctification,” shared Fr. Diwa.
Fr. Diwa then warned the members of the dangers of pride. He specifically cited how pride manifests itself by choosing how we serve the poor, and also, when we try to outshine others in our vocation, forgetting that this vocation is a communal work.
“The effectiveness of the Order’s work can be gauged by how we work together. We serve not individually, but as a community. We all grow together in holiness,” shared Fr. Diwa to the members.